08 October 2016

#til how the US Supreme Court changes its rules

Today I learned how the US Supreme Court changes its own rules to govern the conduct of trials, appeals, and cases, affecting how our rights are protected and laws enforced.

There are two opportunities for the public to give input in the process: first, participate in the advisory committee's consideration of an amendment; second, support an act of Congress to reject, modify, or defer a pending rule change.

More info ...

What proposed changes are published for review and comment? :

What amendments are pending some review? :

Who's on these committees? :

Where can I find more information about what these committees have been doing? :

How did the process look, for the pending amendment to Rule 41?

(Following 'Summary Of Procedures' on http://www.uscourts.gov/rules-policies/about-rulemaking-process/how-rulemaking-process-works/overview-bench-bar-and-public )

Step 1 : Recommended amendment (Sep 2013)
Step 1 : Considered by advisory committee (Jan or Apr 2014?)
  FED. R. CRIM. P. 41, http://www.uscourts.gov/file/15534/download
Step 2 : Public comment 6mo, hearings (Aug 2014, Nov 2014)
  http://www.uscourts.gov/file/1917/download Proposal
  http://www.uscourts.gov/file/17934/download May 2014
  http://www.uscourts.gov/file/17935/download Dec 2014
Step 3 : Advisory committee -> Standing Committee (Dec 2015?)
  http://www.uscourts.gov/file/19123/download May 2015
  http://www.uscourts.gov/file/19125/download Dec 2015
Step 4 : Standing Committee approved? (??? 2016)
Step 5 : Judicial Conference -> Supreme Court (??? 2016)
Step 6 : Supreme Court -> Congress (Apr 2016)
Step 7 : #SMHAct

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